Ideas for life
The love of life depends to a great extent on our state of health. Feeling good without pain is how our bodies are supposed to work. Being pain free is how we are created by either adaption or angles the human body and any living creature really, is a marvel of the universe.
A fundamental aim of all healing is to provide the body with more vitality. True healing is always a holistic process, involving all areas of one’s physical and mental balance. Western medicine has taken a pharmaceutical approach to healing that takes the “self” out of the healing process. Do not get me wrong, there are miracles happening in all fields of research and applied sciences that make western medicine work and help a great many people. But I’m talking about the “self” inside all of us, the one who can take control of their life by right living and not taking a daily schedule of concocted chemicals to numb the beast. There are many ways to soothe the beast, so while some of the planet isn’t as “advanced” as the mega companies they know how to live right.
These ideas I am going to explore are to improve your health, and my health and over come pain. In the process you may boost your feeling of well-being and your energy levels. Being open to using a wide variety of natural methods of healing; Using self-massages tools, practice meditation, yoga, walk a simple path that attunes you to your body, will help in being in love with life.
Also self-healing is all encompassing in helping yourself understand what you can do to feel better. When in doubt talk to people you trust and maybe someone you may not even know, but they may have a kernel of knowledge that maybe a missing piece to your puzzle of health. Seek holistic practitioners in all fields of healing that interest you.
Be aware of your body in good times and hard times. It occurred to me the other day that I had no pain. Nothing was hurting and my mind was at peace with its self. I truly had a good day all day long. No feelings of stress, no aches or sore muscles holding me back. Luckily I was able to feel it and sit for a moment and relish my body. Now, that awareness of not being in pain but feeling good was a reminder to myself that pain does not have to control me, and when all is in alignment take a moment and enjoy it.
Gregg Emmel