Self-Healing, Believe-Listen-Accept-Act-Let Go

by Gregg Emmel February 18, 2016


Self-Healing, for me, is a process of rejuvenation, guided by feelings and belief. The value of self-healing lies in one’s belief that they can heal themselves. 

Self-Healing is experienced and felt in the present. To be present with yourself and listening to your body is being available and responsible to yourself. You are your priority in this matter of healing.  Self-Healing properties, such as the re-generation of the skin after a cut and the knitting of a bone as it grows back and heals itself are real life phenomena. These are true Self Healing properties we all possess. 

Our body repairs damaged parts by itself all the time; most of us do not consider the miracle tools we have at our disposal. Accepting the fact your body already is working with you, is the belief I am talking about.  Beyond the innate restorative capacities of our physical body, there are many factors of psychological nature that can influence Self Healing. 

Positive ideas and thoughts are very influential in helping the body achieve its balance. Healing from within starts with believing you can Heal Yourself and that healing happens. The choice to do something about the pain, outside of Western ideas of surgery and pills is another step towards a spiritual and pain-free life. 

Self-Healing is achieved through the use of multiple modes of action; meditation, breathing exercises, physical exercises, massage, imagery, yoga, t’ai chi, and anything that helps the process of healing in one's own mind and assists the body to flourish. 

Massage, as an example, has proven that the combination of physical touch and massage supports blood flow and energy to depleted muscles. Knotz Massage Tools are perfect for individuals to self-massage their own sore muscles. By working on muscle and bone structures we become aware of the areas of our body. Breathe and the acute sense of one's body will help focus energy and chi in and out of the body. 

Start a practice where you are your own personal guild, as you decide how to approach your pain. Give yourself the time and space to try any mode of healing you see fit.  

Just being quiet and sensing what your body is can be beneficial. Listening to your body is a key to understanding what is going on with your body. Self-Healing is your process that is in your control. Pain is a sign that something is wrong, that is obvious, but how one deals with their pain is not so clear.  Knotz Massage Tools can provide beneficial results. 

Focus on what you can do - Believe, Listen, Accept, Act, Let Go.

Gregg Emmel
Gregg Emmel


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